Committees, Working Groups, & iCERT Statements
Committee & Working Group Structure
iCERT's has two main Committees; the Innovation and Technology Committee, and the Policy Committee, and several specialized Committees. Every issue / topic managed by iCERT is assigned one of these Committees (they coordinate efforts, and may work in concert if the matter requires such attention). To maintain a nimble process, below each Committee are subject-specific smaller Working Groups that are assigned to quickly examine an issue / topic within a defined timeline, and provide an action recommendation for their respective full Committee.
Thorough discussion and debate at the Working Group level, which is then reviewed at the Committee level, allows more iCERT members to voice their opinions and provide useful input to the process. Public actions such as a regulatory filing, intervention, press release, or public iCERT Policy Statement require a Board majority vote.
iCERT Policy Positions, Statements, & Press Releases
Policy Committee
Chair - Don Brittingham, CEO - Northern Lights Consulting
The primary function of the iCERT Policy Committee is to examine and recommend for board and/or association action, official Industry Council positions on local, state, regional, national and international regulations, legislation, rules or resolutions affecting emergency response technologies. In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:
Monitoring and reviewing proposed legislation and regulatory rule making;
Providing assistance to association staff on matters of policy making;
Recommending action to the Board of Directors;
Working with iCERT member companies' legislative staff as needed;
Working to resolve inter-association policy conflicts – where appropriate and necessary – to help ensure synergy with leading public safety associations' policy opinions, when not in direct conflict with industry approaches, and
Managing Work Groups that may be created to address specific topics or issues.
Innovation & Technology Committee
Chair - Don Ferguson, CEO - NGA911
The primary function of the iCERT Innovation and Technology Committee (“ITC”) is to examine and recommend for Board of Directors (“Board”) and/or other association action, iCERT positions on local, state, regional, national, and international technologies, technology initiatives, proposed technology standards, and best practices affecting emergency response technologies.
The ITC also manages various Work Groups that are created for temporary projects or initiatives. Work Groups are very efficient often setting a timeline of 90-days to accomplish their tasks.
The ITC’s goals are to support our industry and help move technology innovation into public safety in an orderly and safe manner, and through collaborative guidance and recommendations, to help provide public safety technology users an extra level of confidence to begin using new innovative technologies and approaches without undue delay. The ITC will also perform other duties, as noted below, and as may be assigned by the Board. Because technology questions and impacts may overlap with policy questions, the ITC will coordinate with the Policy Committee to insure proper topic management for the benefit of all iCERT’s members.
Marketing Committee
Chair - Holly Blanks, Director - Pulsiam
The primary function of the iCERT Marketing Committee (“MARCOM”) is serve as a central point of collaboration and discussion among member companies’ marketing professionals for both the betterment of the marketing processes of the entire public safety technology industry, and the marketing practices of iCERT as a trade association.
These overall goals may be achieved via activities internal to MARCOM, recommendations to or collaboration with other Committees or Working Groups, and/or recommendations for Board Action. MARCOM will also perform other duties, as noted below, and as may be assigned by the Board.
In practice, MARCOM’S responsibilities are:
Use the trade association format to collaborate and share common concerns
Hold periodic monthly or bi-monthly meeting
Develop tools and processes to assist with public safety marketing, communication, and education
Produce educational / instructional materials / webinars / other materials
Offer ideas and shared resources to assist with iCERT’s marketing needs
Social media and imaging / webinars
PR / public relations / news releases
Marketing to / within trade shows and events – gather speaking opportunities for members
Web site assistance / ideas
Literature and materials
Monitoring and reviewing new / proposed and/or changes to emergency response technologies’ marketing standards and best practices;
Monitor and advise the membership on new and emerging marketing / communication issues
Recommending and assisting with the delivery of technology education programs to the membership
Working with iCERT member companies’ marketing staffs as needed
Recommending, where possible, clear consensus-based proposals and actions to the Board of Directors.
The MARCOM will help the Board in selecting the wisest course of action and preferred alternative, and always preserve and respect the appropriate balance among competing interests of iCERT’s members.
iCERT Working Groups
Note: Working Group activity, focus, identity, and membership change frequently as issues arise and are managed or reach a conclusion, and group activity follows with the current activity / relevance of an issue to our industry.
This is an representative list of past and current Working Groups
Data Integration Initiative - Update August 2020 - Update January 2021
Chair - John Persano, Senior Business Development Manager - 911, AWS
Program Manager - Matt Schreiner, Senior PM, MCP
How to Join: To apply to participate in this cutting-edge initiative addressing the ongoing needs and future of data integration for use by the public safety community, contact executivedirector@theindustrycouncil.org.
Overcoming silos and creating seamless communications across platforms will yield both immediate and long-term benefits for the public, first responders, and iCERT members. Detailed below is the announcement of iCERT’s new Data Integration Initiative – our signature project for 2020 and beyond. Speaking for the Executive Committee and the Board, we are hoping that as we progress every iCERT member will find a way to become involved and contribute to this significant new initiative.
Concerted discussion by the Data Integration Working Group (DIWG) has revealed four subject areas for iCERT members/participant concentration:
1) Data Value,
2) Existing Data Integration,
3) Data Integration Enablers, and Roadblocks, and
4) Future Data Integration. iCERT Members are dividing their participation along experience, company-centric, and general interests in joining one or more sub-groups to move each area to a productive outcome. The sub-group descriptions follow:
1) Data Value – identifying which data integrations provide the most value in terms of improving public safety response. What assigns a “value” (what defines “value” is one of the tasks of this group) to each piece of data in any particular system or sub-system, and its associated dataflows and workflows? What outputs a high-value outcome for a particular set of data and specific data integrations and associated workflows? Identifying which data, when “married together” produces the most value in terms of efficiencies. How can such a concept be used to help all stakeholders (product management, vendors, developers, end-users and citizens) choose which integrations provide the biggest "bang for the buck"?
2) Existing Data Integration – what integrations exist today? What are successful examples of data integration (systems, processes, or governance)? What is motivating their development? How do we apply our “formula” to help identify the most valuable solutions? Simply Identify Roles and their associated Dataflows and workflows for incident lifecycle management (Pre-incident, mid-incident, and post-incident). There are potentially thousands of dataflows that can be identified, along with relay points and other items that can be identified as places to streamline the workflow.
3) Data Integration Enablers and Roadblocks – what are the roadblocks that keep the existing data integration from creating the real “value” that data integration can produce? What are the enablers that have provided some level of success and improved public safety response? This sub-group will focus on what can be done to reduce the effects of roadblocks and enhance the effects of enablers. This can include governance, funding models, technology, operational processes, or anything that is keeping data integration from being as innovative and broadly implemented as possible.
4) Future Data Integration – answering questions about what new integrations will be expected as technology advances? How does the IoT figure into Public Safety Data Integration for future systems? How does A.I. affect which data is important? How do we bridge the gap between data integrations of today with data integration of the future?
The sub-groups are selecting leadership and establishing self-directed meeting schedules with goals of producing tangible results in the first half of 2021.
Public Safety Communications Interoperability (PSCI)
Co-Chair - Ray Paddock, Vice President - Inteliquent
Co-Chair - Al Brisard, President & CEO - Exacom
The fast moving nature of this topic has caused this Working Group to evolve repeatedly and rapidly. In the beginning, the primary function of this Working Group was to examine relevant issues and recommend for iCERT's consideration and/or action, parameters for establishing an official Industry Council program and related positions on conformance issues associated with NG911 technologies as a key factor in the emergency calling and response continuum, in relation to established and/or yet-to-be-formed standards for delivery of NG911 services, systems and networks. This Working Group has no formal approval role.
In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:
Reviewing accepted and burgeoning standards and practices in NG911 technology;
Working with a standards development organization to provide industry input and guidance for establishing a conformance program in partnership with a recognized authority; and
Recommending any necessary commensurate actions to the iCERT Policy Committee.
[February 2021 Update] The PSCI Working Group currently has 19 members representing 14 different iCERT member companies. The WG has drafted two white papers covering iCERT’s position on NG9-1-1 testing in general and conformance testing in particular. These two papers have been cited extensively in many industry forums. Since the release of the papers, the WG has take a a more proactive stance in several industry forums representing all members of iCERT.
The PSCI WG hosts the iCERT representative to the NG9-1-1 Interoperability Oversight Commission (NIOC), https://ng911ioc.org/. As its name implies, the NIOC puts focus on a broad range of topics impacting the interoperability within and between NG9-1-1 systems. Most recently, in collaboration with NENA, an RFP was released to implement a National Forrest Guide. A evaluation committee was formed to evaluate vendor responses and will be making a recommendation to the NIOC at which point the NIOC will vote on the recommendation. This selection process parallels the process previously used to select the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which can be found on the NIOC website. iCERT’s representative to the NIOC, Jeff Wittek, Motorola Solutions, will participate in the process.
The PSCI WG also hosts iCERTs representatives to the Industry Collaboration Events (ICE) steering committee. ICE provides a venue for NG9-1-1 vendors, and for the first time OSPs to test NG9-1-1 interoperability. iCERT member companies are participating in ICE 9 which is occurring now. To provide vendor feedback to the ICE steering committee, an anonymous survey went out to all members including those that have, and those that have not participated in ICE. Questions or comments related to ICE should be sent to your representatives; Jeanna Greene, T-Mobile, and Erik Loberg, GeoComm.
Finally, iCERT members are well represented on a project funded by DHS to explore the idea of a NG9-1-1 Conformance testing program. The principal Investigator is Walt Magnussen at Texas A&M University. His deliverable to DHS is an assessment of a NG9-1-1 testing program from both a technical and financial perspective. Walt will be releasing a draft of the assessment to all participants including iCERT’s representatives. Any comments or questions can be directed to your four representatives to the project; Al, Brisard, Exacom.com, Mike Hooker, T-Mobile, Brian Anderson, Avaya.com, and Jeff Torres, Verizon Wireless.
iCERT is hosting a panel on these and other topics at National NENA at the end of July. We hope everyone is comfortable to travel by then so we can see you all in Columbus, OH (Scheduled for July 2021).
This Working group has now taken on additional responsibilities in supporting iCERT's Representation on the NENA NG911 Interoperability Oversight Commission [https://www.theindustrycouncil.org/post/nena-oversight-commission-established ]
More info: https://www.theindustrycouncil.org/post/nena-oversight-commission-established
The PSCI also coordinates and supports the two voting Representatives that work for iCERT on the NENA ICE Steering Committee [https://www.nena.org/page/NG911_ICE]. Jeanna Green, T-Mobile, and Erik Loberg, GeoComm, currently represent iCERT before the ICE Steering Committee.
Cybersecurity - Launches March1, 2021
Co-Chair - Tom Breen, Seculore
Co-Chair - Al Brisard, Exacom
How to Join: To apply to participate in this cutting-edge initiative addressing the ongoing needs and future of data integration for use by the public safety community, contact executivedirector@theindustrycouncil.org.
Background: Emergency communications systems remain susceptible to cyber-based attacks and require the implementation of effective cybersecurity measures to ensure the effective operations of these systems and, ultimately, the safety and security of first responders and the public. The public safety industry, including the FCC, standards bodies, and other organizations have many initiatives in this area.
The initial charge of the Cybersecurity Working Group is to identify the relevant cybersecurity initiatives in the industry and summarize these efforts and content for the iCERT website. This Working Group will act as iCERT liaison group to these other organizations. From time to time this WG may also make recommendations to iCERT’s Policy Committee on what future work items this Working Group should undertake to promote effective cybersecurity policies. This initial summary should be provided to the Policy Committee by June 30, 2021.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Chair - Don Ferguson, CEO - NGA911 [ Temporary ]
The IoT Working Group will help to create and promote awareness and understanding regarding IoT technology and issues among regulatory agencies within the 9-1-1 industry, public safety authorities and their employees, other NGOs, and within iCERT Members, so that all will better recognize and manage the inevitable evolution of IoT devices into public safety. The work product for this effort may include Topical Papers, best practice compilations, webinars, appearances at iCERT and other public safety-related meetings, or other communications methods as determined by the Working Group.
Chair - Don Ferguson, CEO - NGA911 [ Temporary ]
Educate iCERT’s membership and the larger public safety community about Cloud Computing’s current and future impact on 911/public safety technologies and clarify the relationship between 911/public safety technologies and Cloud technologies. The work product for this effort may include Topical Papers, best practice compilations, webinars, appearances at iCERT and other public safety-related meetings, or other communications methods as determined by the Working Group.
iCERT Entrepreneur /Small Business Innovators (SBI)
Working Group
Chair - Don Mitchell, CEO, NG911 Services
1 Who we are
The iCERT Small Business Innovators (SBI) Working Group is a group of established industry leaders – with a broad range of experiences – who lead specialized businesses focused on the emergency response industry.
2 What we do
We provide valuable insights to the wider emergency response industry through lived-experience in the field across an array of business functions.
3 How we do it
We keep our fingers on the pulse of industry advancements and convene to exchange and distill key insights and trends identified through the course of operating our businesses.
4 What we deliver
Our insights, gleaned through unique engagement across the industry, provide the entire iCERT association with observations and business case examples that may not be readily observable or available to enterprise-level members.
Additional Points:
SBI provides both products and services that may be integral to the overall delivery of emergency response within our ecosystem.
Most times, SBI's specialized offers are easily folded into an existing platform, planning and consultation process, outreach strategy or service delivery methodology.
We pride ourselves on identifying first-mover advantages in our space.
We offer education and direction to the ICERT membership community.
SBI offers the industry customized solutions, insights and thought leadership and creative services.
SBI provides iCERT member companies with customized solutions that their customers may be required to implement.
iCERT SBI can help by providing subject-matter-expertise while filling innovation gaps which the market exposes.
SBI member companies are ready to educate, inform and provide specialized products and services that will save lives directly or in concert with its iCERT partners.
The Working Group meets monthly to discuss topics and set an action agenda, and serves as the "voice" of this genre of member to the larger membership and Board. The Working Group has no formal approval role.
Temporarily Inactive Groups
[active in the past with the potential to reengage if needed]
Membership Outreach Committee
The primary function of the iCERT Membership Outreach Committee is to provide advice and recommend actions regarding member recruitment and member service topics to the iCERT Board of Directors. Additionally, this Committee works in concert with the iCERT Governance Committee in the latter's role of maintaining and managing changes to the Bylaws as approved by the iCERT Board of Directors. The Committee has no formal approval role.
In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:
Provide recommendations pertaining to matters of member services to the Board of Directors
Contribute as a resource to the Board of Directors in matters involving member recruitment
Provide recommendations to the Board of Directors pertaining to matters of member dues
Work in conjunction with iCERT staff on direct recruitment efforts and iCERT promotion
Governance Committee
The primary function of the iCERT Governance Committee is to provide advice and recommend actions to the iCERT Board of Directors regarding governance topics. Additionally, the Governance Committee will serve as custodians of iCERT Bylaws, maintaining the document and managing changes to the Bylaws that are approved by the iCERT Board of Directors. The Committee has no formal approval role. In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:
Maintain the iCERT Bylaws keeping them an accurate reflection of the organization
Contribute as a resource to the Board of Directors in matters involving corporate governance
Provide recommendations pertaining to matters of governance to the Board of Directors
Serve in a role regarding succession planning for the organization
Targeted States Campaign Overview
The iCERT Targeted States Campaign is a state-by-state program in support of efforts to secure and protect 911 funding in all its forms. Working in conjunction with state and local officials, the Campaign provides much needed resources to initiate, maintain, and/or bring to fruition state-level efforts to ensure that emergency calling is properly resourced.
Campaign Premise:
Absent proper levels of adequate, stable and foreseeable funding for emergency calling, America's 911 system breaks down. Public safety officials become unable to maintain the equipment and services they need in order to provide safety at the level the public deserves and expects. When properly resourced, however, public safety agencies and the enterprises that support their critical work are able to provide to the public the crucial life-saving services our citizens, residents and visitors require.
iCERT will:
Engage state and local government and non-governmental partners,
Craft and disseminate tailored educational pieces, and
Convene partners and other officials to address key concerns.
Measures of Campaign Success:
Shifts in norms - reduced state reliance on 911 funding for unrelated matters.
Strengthened organizations - general increase in 911 agency budgets due to regular transfer of dedicated funding.
Improved policies - states amending regulations and/or administrative practices to ensure flow of funding.
Specific impacts - key examples of properly re-purposed funding.
Emergency Communications Resource (ECR) Working Group
The primary function of the Emergency Communications Resource Working Group is to examine and recommend for Policy Committee, Board and/or Association action, official Industry Council positions on local, state, regional, national and international regulations, legislation, rules or resolutions affecting funding of emergency calling and response technology systems and networks. The Working Group has no formal approval role.
In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:
Monitoring and reviewing proposed legislation and regulatory rulemaking;
Providing assistance to Association staff on matters of emergency communications resource policy; and
Recommending action to the Policy Committee.
z-axis / 911 Location Accuracy Working Group
This Working Group investigates the various techniques for converting z-axis location information (expressed as HAE) into actionable information for PSAPs (e.g., 3D mapping). Because the FCC has an open docket related to z-axis matters, this Working Group may include making policy recommendations that iCERT could use in consensus-based filings before the FCC.
Convergence and Innovation Working Group
The primary function of the Convergence and Innovation Working Group is to examine and recommend for Policy Committee, Board and/or Association action, official Industry Council positions on local, state, regional, national and international regulations, legislation, rules or resolutions affecting matters related to the ubiquitous, unified nature of emergency communications and response technologies, now and into the future. The Working Group has no formal approval role. In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions:
Monitoring and reviewing proposed legislation and regulatory rulemaking;
Providing assistance to Association staff on matters of convergence and innovation policy; and
Recommending action to the Policy Committee.