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Public Safety Grade Data Centers Evaluation Guidelines Series; Step 2 - Rising of the Cloud
(February 2020) This iCERT Working Group Paper takes the second step in the process and examines infrastructure solutions that have been available to public safety using Tier III+ and IV level data centers. This paper also seeks to clarify the term “cloud” as it applies to public safety. It addresses some critical emergency response and public safety applications already deployed in the cloud, related public safety application trends (establishing a perspective for the future of cloud in public safety), and assesses trends in cloud computing. The paper covers the considerations necessary to build a Tier IV (Tier III+) solution in the cloud and explains approaches to cloud security, reliability, and availability that are requisite considerations for using cloud services. It also addresses the risks and limitations of deploying solutions into the cloud, demonstrating the care required in constructing a public safety grade cloud solution.
White Paper - The Critical Role of Testing to Achieve and Maintain NG911 Standards Conformance and Interoperability
(October 24, 2019) iCERT Conformance Working Group
Next Generation 911 (NG911) is no longer a dream but quickly becoming a reality. Governmental bodies, standards bodies, service providers, and vendors are all moving to implement NG911. While there are several opinions for how this will occur, all agree that significant testing is required to ensure all the elements within an NG911 system and between NG911 systems, work together as intended. But exactly what testing is necessary? What testing is required to ensure a sufficient level of confidence by the public safety community in the solutions being deployed? iCERT has developed this white paper to answer these and similar questions. The objectives of this white paper are to:
1. Highlight the role of standards in NG911 testing;
2. Define the types of testing that should be considered; and
3. Identify the challenges of Interoperability testing.
Public Safety Grade Data Centers Evaluation Guidelines Series
Step 1 - Data Center Evaluation in an Era of Industry Disruption (6/25/19)
This paper provides a suggested framework for evaluating the choice between a local
on-premises data center facility, or a remote data center (hosted or cloud), based on two
criteria: reliability and security. Working from a foundation of these criteria offers public safety
agencies a simple method of evaluating a data center to determine its adherence to public
safety grade infrastructure regardless of whether it is modeled on cloud computing, remotely
hosted, or an on-premises solution.
Recommended Best Practices for Supplemental 9-1-1 Location Data (2/20/19)
This document was developed by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), the National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA), and the Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (iCERT), in cooperation with the National 9-1-1 Program. It is designed to establish guidance on the potential use by the nation’s Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) of 9-1-1 location data provided outside of the traditional process used by wireless carriers. The potential use of such “supplemental 9-1-1 location data” in addition to data provided by the carriers may assist in locating 9-1-1 callers quickly and accurately. This document describes recommended best practices for how such data should be provided to and used by PSAPs.
Liability and Cyber Security Issues for Emergency Communications and Response
This report provides an array of insights into matters associated with liability and cyber security, for government agencies and commercial enterprises, as both endeavor to deliver emergency calling and response services.
Working Together: Partnering to Face Today's Critical Public Safety Technology Issues
A public safety planners guide, intended to foster understanding between public and private sector emergency response technologies professionals as both sectors work together toward successful implementation of public safety technology projects.
Command and Control Room Market Overview Report 2016 — Summary
The report outlined by this summary focuses on trends in public safety control room revenues and installations, and provides commercial entities with insights into this evolving market. The full report is available exclusively to iCERT members.
History of 911: A Policy and Technology Reference Guide
This report is designed to educate public and private sector stakeholders about the importance of 911's history as it relates to its technical and policy origins, its current status, and its future development into NG911.
2016 National 911 Progress Report
iCERT NG911 Research Report - April 2015
iCERT report on America's readiness for transition to NextGen 911 technologies, with applicable insights for adoption of IP-based three-digit emergency calling around the globe.
The Overloaded 9-1-1 System
This report highlights examples of overload to the U.S. 9-1-1 system for a variety of reasons.
iCERT 9-1-1 Overload Fact Sheet
This Fact Sheet offers you a quick easy set of points to make when speaking with your local policy makers about key issues affecting 9-1-1.
Command and Control Room Market Overview 2016
Analysis of State and Local Funding Models 2013