The Latest Look at 911 Data from Around the Country
December 14, 2020
Report: More States Have NG-911 Plans
A report released by the National 911 Program provides the most holistic data available about 911 systems at the state level. A variety of information – from PSAP size to progress toward NG911 implementation and use of Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) protocols – is detailed in the report, compiled with information voluntarily submitted by the states and territories annually.
The National 911 Annual Report: 2019 Data reveals findings and analysis of data from the 2019 calendar year. The information is important in improving local, state and regional emergency communications systems. It provides trends and information that state 911 leaders, legislators and policy makers need to make informed decisions about 911 services in their jurisdictions.
A few noteworthy findings from the Report include:
Of reporting states, 69% said they have adopted a statewide NG911 plan. Statewide adoption of NG911 plans has increased from 20 states to 33 over the past five years
Thirty-seven states reported having a total of 2,472 PSAPs that provide EMD
About 74% of reported primary PSAPs have between one and five 911 equipment positions
33 states reported the adoption of NG911 plans in 2019, compared with 31 states in 2018.
Use of emergency services IP networks (ESInets) also is up. In 2019, 2,152 public safety answering points (PSAPs) reported using an ESInet in 46 states, compared with 1,813 PSAPs in 44 states in 2018.
581,151 texts were received by PSAPs in 38 states in 2019, compared with 188,646 texts in 33 states in 2018.
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