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911 INFORM Joins iCERT


Updated: Jan 7, 2020

Membership Caps 27% Growth Yeat-to-Date

Learn More about 911INFORM - Click the LOGO

November 7, 2019 iCERT is pleased to announce the addition of 911 INFORM to the iCERT Family. 911INFORM is the only notification and emergency management solution that provides police dispatch, first-responders, and key building personnel with the tools to effectively mitigate any emergency situation. Providing revolutionary situational awareness, multi-tiered bi-directional communication and connected building controls to assist first-responders in emergency situations, 911inform is embedded in the RapidSOS software solution natively and delivered to the PSAP at zero cost.

"911INFORM's addition to our membership roster is truly exciting and represents a new genre of technology membership for iCERT," noted Kim Robert Scovill, iCERT Executive Director. "As the exclusive trade association for emergency response technologies and related software providers, iCERT assists all its members with both organic and market share growth and advancement," he added. To learn about about 911INFORM, click the logo, above.



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PH: 202-503-9998

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