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CueHit Joins iCERT


Citizen Engagement is a cutting edge area for iCERT and Public Safety

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December 20, 2020

iCERT Welcomes CueHit to the public safety technology community.

"CueHit is a very interesting public safety company," explained Kim Robert Scovill, iCERT's Executive Director, "CueHit provides community and citizen engagement tools exclusively for public safety. That's something many iCERT members would like to learn more about about."

According to Scott MacDonald, CueHit's Co-Founder, "The CueHit technology platform allows 9-1-1, Law Enforcement and Fire/EMS departments to connect with the communities they serve to collect, understand, measure, and improve the satisfaction levels of its citizens, while automating and improving the delivery of its services through telehealth, alternative responders and text message interactions." Scott is looking forward to sharing and collaborating with other iCERT members.

To learn more visit www.cuehitcom or Email:



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PH: 202-503-9998

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