Members asked to participate

January 29, 2021
Interested Members should contact
Emergency communications systems remain susceptible to cyber-based attacks and require the implementation of effective cybersecurity measures to ensure the effective operations of these systems and, ultimately, the safety and security of first responders and the public. The public safety industry, including the FCC, standards bodies, and other organizations have many initiatives in this area.
The initial charge of the Cybersecurity Working Group is to identify the relevant cybersecurity initiatives in the industry and summarize these efforts and content for the iCERT website. This Working Group will act as iCERT liaison group to these other organizations. From time to time this WG may also make recommendations to iCERT’s Policy Committee on what future work items this Working Group should undertake to promote effective cybersecurity policies. This initial summary should be provided to the Policy Committee by June 30, 2021.
The Working Group shall consist of no fewer than three (3) members, with one (1) member serving as Chair, 1 as Vice Chair, and one (1) member serving as Secretary/Scribe. Working Group membership is initiated through a self-nomination process, with group composition approved by the iCERT Policy Committee Chair. Al Brisard, Exacom, and Tom Breen, Seculore, have agreed to champion the effort.
Group Meetings:
The Working Group will meet on an as needed basis in person or by electronic means, to be scheduled by the Chair and coordinated by the iCERT Executive Director, with both to ensure regular reporting to the Board of Directors and Membership.