Virtual ZOOM Event Over 3 Days

February 26, 2021
To register - use form(s) below:
Alt Link - Google Form
Attendance is for iCERT Members, Speakers, and invited guests, only.
No charge to attend.
Note: All Sessions Are Recorded.
Questions regarding the program can be addressed to:
[Times below are approximate]
Proposed iCERT 2021 Members Meeting Program (Tentative Schedule - More Details Soon)
Tuesday, March 23 [1:00PM - 4:15 PM EDT]
12:45 PM - Early Sign-In
1:00 PM - Opening Session - Day #1
iCERT - Announcements
New Member Acknowledgements
Introduction to Women in 911 Organization
Program Preview - 3 Days
Introduction to Chairs of iCERT Committees and Working Groups
PSCI Working Group - Announcements
Marketing Committee - Announcements
iCERT Internship Program - Announcement
2:00 PM - Presentation - DHS S&T - "How iCERT Members Can Connect to DHS" -
Megan Mahle, Director, Industry Partnerships at U.S. Department of
Homeland Security
2:31 PM - Break
2:40 PM - Two (2) Moderated Panel Discussions - Carriers -"LMR to LTE" / Vendors -
"LMR to LTE"- Paul Moskowitz, Codan, Moderator
4:15 PM - End of Day
Wednesday, March 24 [Noon - 3:30 PM EDT]
11:45 AM - Early Sign-In
Noon - Welcome to Day #2
12:05 PM - Keynote Speaker - ESRI
12:36 PM - iCERT Committee and Working Group Reports to Members - Q&A
12:36 PM :10 Innovation & Technology Don Ferguson
12:46 PM :10 Policy Don Brittingham
12:56 PM :10 Data Integration Initiative (DII) John Persano / Matt Schreiner
1:06 PM :10 PSCI Working Group Ray Paddock / Al Brisard
1:16 PM :10 Cybersecurity Tom Breen
1:26 PM :10 Small Business / Entrepreneur TBA
1:37 PM - Break
1:47 PM - Presentation - Wes Wright / Greg Kunkle, Keller & Heckman -"Update on
Business Relevant FCC / State Regulatory Issues"
2:20PM - Moderated Panel Discussion - "CAD to CAD Interoperability - David Jones,
MCP, Moderator
3:25PM - End of Day
Thursday, March 25 [Noon - 4:45 PM EDT]
11:45 AM - Early Sign-In
Noon - Welcome to Day #3
12:05 PM - Presentation - T-Mobile - "NG911 IP Networking / Location Based Routing"
Mike Hooker, T-Mobile
12:35 PM - Presentation - Deltek - "Public Safety Technology Business Environment"
Business Forecast for 2021 / Deltek / iCERT Leads Program -
Brent Mital, DelTek
1:12 PM - UNICO Business Insurance - Matt Giler and Cris Senkbile
1:30 PM - Break
1:40 PM - iCERT "1-to-1 Networking" (till complete) [Those participating in the Member
to Member Networking will directly receive a list of their appointments}
4:45 PM - End of Day