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Jeanna Green - New iCERT NENA ICE Steering Committee Representative


Updated: Feb 15, 2021

NENA ICE Industry Collaboration Events Steering Committee Includes Two Voting Members from iCERT

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February 15, 2021

UPDATE - Jeanna Green, Sprint/T-Mobile, has been unanimously elected by the iCERT Executive Committee as the new iCERT Voting Representative to the NENA ICE Steering Committee.

Congratulations! Jeanna has extensive relevant industry experience, having worked on similar groups with multiple communications and public safety NGOs, and currently volunteers on the iCERT DII Future Data Integration and Roadblocks and Enablers Working Groups. iCERT Executive Director, Kim Robert Scovill, made the announcement today, adding that, "iCERT is fortunate to have members of Jeanna's qualifications in important representative positions like the ICER Steering Committee - it makes a material difference to the success of such endeavors."

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------February 4, 2021

iCERT is seeking a member volunteer for one of two iCERT voting positions on the NENA ICE Steering Committee.

The Committee is charged with planning and executing Industry Collaboration Events in support of the overall NENA NG9‐1‐1 Project and deals primarily with setting the direction and expectations for the events. Info:

Time commitment is approximately 1‐2 hours per week, and the position term is 2-years beginning upon appointment (in any case, not later than March 1, 2021).

If interested, please send the following to by Noon EST, Thursday February 11, 2021:

  1. Brief description of qualifications

  2. Resume

  3. Statement of Purpose: Why you want to represent iCERT in this role.

Thanks for your support.


Terms and Conditions for Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies, Inc. (iCERT) Representation to a Non-affiliated Organization

iCERT has relationships with many other public safety, standards, trade, industry, and other groups and non-iCERT affiliated associations (i.e., non-affiliated associations or associations). These associations may ask one or more representatives from iCERT to participate on a Board, working group, or other group supporting their association. For example, iCERT Members serve on steering committees or events committees for several groups. This is a very common practice in the highly interdependent public safety community.

When an iCERT Member serves in such a capacity, as a representative of iCERT (not as an individual or as their employer's exclusive representative), there are general terms and conditions that apply to such a representation that we ask iCERT Members to follow:

  1. Representatives must be, at all times, an employee of a qualified iCERT Member in good standing, or as an Entrepreneur member (or, with permission, a qualified contractor of a Member). Disqualification of the iCERT Member results in disqualification of the Representative. A Representative may resign at any time consistent with the notice, or other similar processes, of the non-affiliated organization, if any, and if notice is sent in advance to

  2. Representations and Representatives will be subject to the specific qualifications or organizational endorsement(s) as determined by the non-affiliated organization. When there are multiple applicants for one or more Representative positions, the iCERT Executive Director, Executive Committee, or Board of Directors shall make the final selection of the Representative(s) in their sole, complete, and exclusive judgement, as appropriate.

  3. Representatives, especially those in voting positions, shall use their best efforts and best judgement at all times to represent the views of iCERT, and not their individual employers - their advocacy and votes will reflect the position of iCERT, as they are directed, as an organization. Questions or concerns should be brought to iCERT's attention promptly for resolution so that the Representative may fulfill their obligation. Advocacy or representation of their employer, if different from iCERT's position, must be clearly distinguished and reflected in relevant records of events and meetings, especially if votes are taken.

  4. Representatives are expected to make periodic reports to the Working Group, Committee, or other organizational element of iCERT, or the Executive Director, connected to or managing the representation, in a manner and frequency as determined by those parties.

  5. Representatives are expected to attend and participate in the meetings / activities of the non-affiliated organization consistent with the participation rules of that organization as relevant to the respective iCERT representation. Excessive inactivity, lack of reporting, or non-participation of the Representative may be grounds for involuntary removal of the representation in the sole judgement of iCERT.

  6. Representatives are expected to either create or have access to the non-affiliated organization's relevant non-confidential written information and/or organizational minutes that can be used to validate the activities associated with the representation (ex., meeting minutes, notes of activities, etc.), and to provide those regularly to the relevant iCERT organizational element in 4., above.

  7. Unless otherwise noted, Representative positions are generally for a fixed term that does not automatically renew without reapplication. The qualification rules of the non-affiliated organization will, in most cases, control candidacy and/or reapplication. Prior Representatives often reapply for a new term upon expiration; there is no automatic reapplication or incumbency guarantee.

  8. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing signed by the Executive Director, all Representatives serve without compensation from iCERT and are responsible for their own electronic access, travel, fees, and expenses associated with the Representation. If compensation or expenses are provided, the Representative agrees to provide a W9 or other applicable tax document to iCERT as required by law or regulation, and is responsible for all taxes and/or fees, and for reporting same to their employer.

  9. Representatives shall at all times comply with iCERT's then-current Conflict of Interest Policy, Privacy Policy, and all other relevant policies.

  10. All intellectual property rights of any kind are determined by the policies of the non-affiliated organization, except as to any/all iCERT intellectual property, which shall always belong exclusively to iCERT.

  11. Any/all of the policies, above, are administered at the sole, complete, and exclusive discretion of the iCERT Board, Officers, and Executive Committee as they see fit. Conflicts in any/all policies shall be resolved by same in their sole, complete, and exclusive discretion.

  12. Representatives are not authorized to make general public statements about the specifics of iCERT's decisions in connection with their Representation, comment to the press, or otherwise, without permission from iCERT.

  13. Conflict or non-compliance with any of the above is grounds for termination of the Representation at the sole, complete, and exclusive judgement and discretion of iCERT. Modification or waiver of any of the the above is at the sole, completed, and exclusive judgement and discretion of iCERT.

Updated 2/5/2021



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PH: 202-503-9998

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