Comments due April 24, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020 | Comments
The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) is taking comments on an internet of things (IoT) document that outlines how the technology affects 9-1-1. “Impact of IoT Devices and Emergency Calling Applications” describes the impact of IoT devices and emergency calling applications on emergency calling. Developers of IoT devices, and developers and managers of systems that employ these devices, should consider this document in the early phases of design and development, to address the potential impact on 9 1 1 operations, and to assure that their implementation(s) are effective in their intended emergency notification to 9 1 1 services. This document discusses impacts to the operations of 9 1 1 system operators and public-safety answering points (PSAPs) caused by emergency calls and data received from IoT devices and apps.
"Executive Overview
This Information document describes the impact of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and emergency calling applications (Apps) on 9-1-1. Developers of IoT devices, and developers and managers of systems that employ these devices, should consider this document in the early phases of design and development, to address the potential impact on 9-1-1 operations, and to assure that their implementation(s) are effective in their intended emergency notification to 9-1-1 services. This document discusses impacts to the operations of 9-1-1 system operators and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) caused by emergency calls and data received from IoT devices and Apps."
The document is available here, and all comments are due April 24.
This Information Document (INF) is published by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) as an information source for 9-1-1 System Service Providers, network interface vendors, system vendors, telecommunication service providers, and 9-1-1 Authorities. It is not intended to provide complete design or operation specifications or parameters or to assure the quality of performance for systems that process such equipment or services.
NENA reserves the right to revise this Information Document for any reason including, but not limited to:
• Conformity with criteria or standards promulgated by various agencies,
• Utilization of advances in the state of the technical arts,
• Reflecting changes in the design of equipment, network interfaces, or services described 120 herein.
It is possible that certain advances in technology or changes in governmental regulations will precede these revisions. All NENA documents are subject to change as technology or other influencing factors change. Therefore, this NENA document should not be the only source of information used. NENA recommends that readers contact their 9-1-1 System Service Provider (9-1-1 SSP) representative to ensure compatibility with the 9-1-1 network, and their legal counsel to ensure compliance with current regulations.
Patents may cover the specifications, techniques, or network interface/system characteristics disclosed herein. No license expressed or implied is hereby granted. This document shall not be construed as a suggestion to any manufacturer to modify or change any of its products, nor does this document represent any commitment by NENA or any affiliate thereof to purchase any product whether or not it provides the described characteristics.
By using this document, the user agrees that NENA will have no liability for any consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages arising from use of the document. NENA’s Committees have developed this document. Recommendations for change to this document may be submitted to:
National Emergency Number Association
1700 Diagonal Rd, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22314
202.466.4911 or