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2019 Members' Survey Results Announced


Summary of Survey Results Distributed to Members

January 14, 2020

All iCERT Members / Survey Participants:

We are fortunate to have so many Members share their opinions, suggestions, criticisms, and accolades. We hear you. Our Strategic Planning Committee is developing an action plan with specific deadlines for early 2020 implementation. Thank you for your time, interest, and support.

iCERT’s leadership is excited to share the Summary of our 2019 Members Survey. Some of the overarching themes include:

1) Though there are (and will always be) opportunities for improvement, we are generally on track; however, we cannot become complacent, especially as to Members’ unserved / underserved needs.

2) Our guidepost is keeping iCERT relevant to both our Members and the larger public safety community.

3) Communication, both internal and external, is a challenge – we must do better.

On this last point, we’re taking immediate action, and you can help. We have a new Marketing Committee, and are overhauling iCERT’s Social Media identity;

A) new Homepage and News page []

B) new FaceBook page (trying to recapture control of the “old” one) [note: it also appears n the lower half of our Homepage]

C) new YouTube Channel

D) new Instagram account

E) restarted out LinkedIN page

F) reenergized out Twitter identity [Tweets are posted on our Homepage] (we Tweet a lot !)

Everyone reading this message - member and non-members - PLEASE, link, follow, read, comment, share, forward, like, and connect with us ON EVERY PLATFORM YOU CAN - iCERT Homepage FaceBook Twitter YouTube Instagram LinkedIN. The more we communicate, the better we can serve you and public safety. Here’s to a great 2020!



Kim Robert Scovill, Executive Director


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© 2005 - 2021 Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies, Inc.

1 Radburn Lane Newark, DE 19711
PH: 202-503-9998

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