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iCERT Files Comments - FCC Wireless Location Accuracy Docket


Re: In the Matter of Wireless E911 Location Accuracy Requirements (PS Docket No. 07-114)

Click Here for iCERT Comments

February 21, 2020

Dear Ms. Dortch: The Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (“iCERT”) respectfully submits the following Comments in response to the Fifth Report and Order and Fifth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Order”) released by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) on November 25, 2019, in conjunction with the above-referenced docket.1

iCERT appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the Commission. iCERT is the nation’s only trade association focused exclusively on the emergency response sector. Our member companies represent a broad cross section of companies with a collective interest in advancing innovative solutions that will improve public safety communications and help protect first responders and the public they serve. This includes companies working to improve the accuracy of location information provided with 911 calls, a cause iCERT and its member companies strongly support. iCERT believes that public safety’s many challenges are best addressed through technological innovation and collaboration between industry and public safety stakeholders.


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PH: 202-503-9998

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