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iCERT October 5-6-7-8, 2020 Annual Members Meeting


Updated: Oct 13, 2020

October event is virtual due to Covid-19

Click Logo for Agenda Webpage

October 12, 2020

Another iCERT Members Meeting goes into the records books. While we hope our next meeting has us all together in-person, the virtual format served well with a post-event satisfaction of 4.7 (out of 5) from attendees.

Thanks to our Board, Executive Committee, attending Members, Guests, and our speakers for a great event; AWS, NASNA, FCC, National 911 Office, Microsoft, T-Mobile Cal OES, Deltek, and Archer Aviation.

All of the slides from the presentations and the associated videos are now posted on the Events Page. Members have been provided the Password in a separate email.

Thanks, again, and see everyone next time. Till then, stay safe.


September 22, 2020

iCERT Members and Invited Guests:

Below is the schedule for our exciting October 5-6-7-8, 2020 Members Meeting.

Because we are virtual this year, we've divided our speakers and activities into an Opening Reception, and three (3) manageable daily meetings (varying start times and lengths). Please register separately for each session you wish to attend (register for the entire session even if you can only attend a portion of it). To register, and for more information, go to our Agenda Webpage (send email to for password).

There are also times reserved for 1-to-1 Members Meeting [based on our earlier survey]: attendees of 1-to-1 Member Meetings will receive additional information (instructions emailed on 10/1/20 to attendees - copy below). , We've worked diligently on this program; however, changes to the Agenda can happen, and while 1-to-1 Meetings will be scheduled, they are not guaranteed. All times are EDT, and please note that all public meetings (not 1-to-1 meetings) will be recorded. For attendance or as a presenter, learn about ZOOM Meetings here.

As always, thank you for your support and participation. Please direct any questions to - Sincerely, Kim Robert Scovill, Executive Director - iCERT


iCERT October 2020 Members Meeting - Opening Reception

Monday, October 5, 2020 5pm to 6pm (EDT)

Dear iCERT Friends and Members - thanks for joining us for our Opening Reception. We’ll preview the next 3 day’s events, answer questions and socialize a bit. Thank you.

Session 1 iCERT October 2020 Members Meeting - Day 1

Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1pm to 4pm (EDT) (4pm to 5pm for 1-to-1 Meeting Participants)

1) Opening Session - All Members and Guests - iCERT Committees and Working Groups (except Data Integration Initiative) - brief report to Members

2) Keynote - AWS Elemental Team - Streaming Services in Public Safety

3) NASNA - Update for iCERT Members

4) FCC - Public Safety Regulatory Update

5) National 911 Office - Update for iCERT Members

6) iCERT Members Only: 1-to-1 Meetings [By Appointment - ZOOM Breakout Rooms]

Session 2 iCERT October 2020 Members Meeting - Day 2

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Noon to 3pm (EDT)

Pre-Meeting iCERT Members Only: 1-to-1 Meetings [By Appointment - ZOOM Breakout Rooms]

1) Keynote – Microsoft “First Five” Consortium

2) T-Mobile – Public Safety Products

3) CA OES – NG911 Update for iCERT Members

4) Deltek – Public Safety Market Update for iCERT Members

5) iCERT Members Only: 1-to-1 Meetings [By Appointment - ZOOM Breakout Rooms]

Session 3 iCERT October 2020 Members Meeting – Day 3

Thursday, October 8, 2020 2pm to 5:30pm (EDT)

1) iCERT Data Integration Initiative [and any Committees and Working Groups that were not able to report on Tuesday] – Report to Members followed by iCERT All Members Meeting [Private – iCERT Members Only ]

2) Archer Aviation - First Responder Drones - Vendor presentation


10/1/20 RE: Instructions – iCERT 1-to-1 Meetings – ZOOM – Please Retain for Reference

iCERT 1-to-1 Meeting Participants –

Thanks for participating in this program. This is our first virtual event, using ZOOM, and while we have everything planned, stumbles are inevitable, so we’re asking for everyone’s indulgence as we work to provide you a great experience. With this in mind, please read this ENTIRE email before joining your 1-to-1 meetings:

1) Breakout Rooms - We are using ZOOM’s “Breakout” rooms feature for private (not recorded) 1-to-1 conversations. You are encouraged to review ZOOM’s brief Breakout Room training before your meeting(s).

a) FIRST, you join a “Main” meeting room, and then you will be manually switched to your own separate Breakout Room(s) at the appropriate time(s). The “switching” process can take a minute – please be patient.

b) NEXT, you’ll see a “Join” button – click it, and you should be in your Breakout room with a party of your choice. Please note that we are only pairing two (2) emails to a single Breakout room.

c) In between consecutive Sessions, you will be returned to the Main meeting room before reassignment.

d) There is an open pre-event dry run sessions from 4-5pm EDT on Friday 10/2/20 for anyone who would like to test their equipment or Internet connection, or test the Breakout room feature. Just register at this link: [send and email for ZOOM registration]

2) Sessions – Each Breakout Room session will last ONLY :15 minutes. You will receive a 2-minute warning / countdown before your session ends automatically – you are returned to the “Main” meeting room, and if you have another session, you will be switched to that NEW Breakroom soon thereafter. Remember to exchange contact information for later follow-up. We may use the “Messaging” feature to send group or individual messages during the Sessions.

3) Problems / Errors – If you encounter any issues, please remain in your Breakout room and allow us time to take corrective action. For example; one party may be late to a Session, we may temporarily make an incorrect room assignment, or there may be a temporary network/Internet problem (poor audio/video).

If you encounter any other problem or are unable to attend your Sessions, please contact us immediately – Cell: 302-932-9697 for call or text, or email:

4) Links - The links, below, will take you to the “Main” Meeting associated with your Breakout room [there will be many folks in the Main Meeting as we have multiple simultaneous Breakout rooms scheduled].

Please note that for TUESDAY, 10/6/20 AFTERNOON AND WEDNESDAY, 10/7/20 AFTERNOON 1-TO-1 SESSIONS, the links, below, ARE THE SAME LINKS YOU WOULD USE IF YOU ARE JOINING THE MAIN iCERT MEETINGS for those days – we’re all in the same Main ZOOM session. You don’t need to register, AGAIN, if you are already registered to join for the regular iCERT Meeting that day. This will be clear when you save the Meetings to your Calendar.

THERE IS A SPECIAL LINK FOR THE WEDNESDAY, 10/7/20 MORNING 1-TO-1 SESSION BECAUSE WE ARE STARTING EARLIER IN THE DAY than the regular Meeting. Again, this will be clear when you save the meeting to your Calendar.

The same ZOOM link works for all your consecutive Sessions in the same hour, as noted below (you only join the Main meeting room once; we do all the Breakout room switching even if you have multiple meeting).



Date/Time (EDT)

Company You Are Meeting

ZOOM Link to Join 1-to-1 Session(s) (see notes, above)

Happy to answer any questions. Thanks, again, for your understanding and commitment to iCERT and to public safety.


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1 Radburn Lane Newark, DE 19711
PH: 202-503-9998

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