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Latest Version of NG911 i3 Standard Released for Public Comment


Responses due by January 4, 2021

Click for i3 Document

December 9, 2020

The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) released Version 3 of its i3 next-generation 9-1-1 (NG 9-1-1) standard. The standard is now available for public review and comment.

The NENA i3 standard provides detailed functional and interface specifications for NG 9-1-1 and serves as the foundation for NENA’s suite of NG 9-1-1 standards. As this is a second public review, only the highlighted edits are open for comment.

Version 3 includes key updates to NG 9-1-1 infrastructure to ensure continued support for interoperability on a national and international scale.

Version 3 changes include a move to a representational state transfer (REST)/JavaScript object notation (JSON) architecture for data interactions between functional elements and systems, improvements to security, major updates to the call bridging, discrepancy reports, an outgoing call interface function, blind transfer support, and updates to novel call types including non-interactive calls and advanced automatic crash notifications (AACNs). Version 3 also incorporates a number of new Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) specifications and has made adjustments to addressing to harmonize schemes across Europe and North America.

i3 is an open standard developed with the contribution of a large community of industry, academic and public-safety experts. NENA’s development process is open to all.

Find the document for review and submit comments here. Comments are due by January 4.


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