Public safety hopeful that Congress will consider legislation for NG911

May 15, 2019
Three important legislative actions potentially providing for NG911 funding have been introduced in Congress.
Information to the bills and links to follow their progress on provided below.
S.1479 To further deployment of Next Generation 9–1–1 to enhance and upgrade the 9–1–1 systems of the United States, and for other purposes. Senators Klobuchar & Masto introduce NG911 grants legislation (5/15/19).
H.R.2760 To further deployment of Next Generation 9–1–1 to enhance and upgrade the 9–1–1 systems of the United States, and for other purposes. Representatives. Eshoo & Shimkus introduce House companion bill
H.R.2741 Representative Pallone. To rebuild and modernize the Nation’s infrastructure to expand access to broadband and Next Generation 9–1–1, rehabilitate drinking water infrastructure, modernize the electric grid and energy supply infrastructure, redevelop brownfields, strengthen health care infrastructure, create jobs, and protect public health and the environment, and for other purposes.
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