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iCERT Releases Public Safety Grade Data Center Guidelines


iCERT New Cloud Working Group Releases First in Series of White Papers on Relevant Public Safety-to-Cloud Topics

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June 10, 2019. This iCERT Cloud Working Group paper is part of a continuing series of iCERT publications, webinars, public events, and other efforts intended to provide public safety agencies with guidance for evaluating decisions related to the acquisition, maintenance, and operation of such technologies. To make information more digestible, this and subsequent Working Group papers will focus on just one or two issues related to cloud technologies.

This paper provides a suggested framework for evaluating the choice between a local on-premises data center facility, or a remote data center (hosted or cloud), based on two criteria: reliability and security. Working from a foundation of these criteria offers public safety agencies a simple method of evaluating a data center to determine its adherence to public safety grade infrastructure regardless of whether it is modeled on cloud computing, remotely hosted, or an on-premises solution.

Although each data center has unique requirements and is incomplete without being

interconnected between data centers and users, for brevity, this paper does not include an

evaluation of the network’s role in interoperability, performance, and scalability. An analysis of networking will be reserved for a future paper.


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