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"Rising of the Cloud" White Paper Released - 2nd in Series


Updated: Mar 12, 2020

NASNA First to Receive Management/Best Practices Instruction for Public Safety

"Rising of the Cloud" White Paper Click Here


For Media Inquiries:

Kim Robert Scovill, Executive Director

Cloud Infrastructure Solutions Available to Public Safety Explored in 2nd iCERT Release: “Public Safety Grade Data Centers Evaluation Guidelines Series; Step 2 - Rising of the Cloud

– The Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (iCERT), the leading trade association for providers of emergency communications, software, and emergency response technologies, announced the second in its continuing series of evaluation and best practices white papers on the management of cloud technology; “Public Safety Grade Data Centers Evaluation Guidelines Series; Step 2 - Rising of the Cloud.”

In keeping with tradition from our first Cloud paper, iCERT released Step 2 to the National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA) for their members’ use before general distribution. "It’s a quick, succinct review of cloud-based systems for public safety," remarked Harriet Rennie-Brown, NASNA’s Executive Director, "and an easy to understand de-mystification of cloud-based systems and the cloud's application potential for 911 public safety systems in NG911 systems."

Since its founding in 2005, iCERT remains the exclusive provider-only trade association championing commercial emergency and public safety response technology and software organizations, large and small. “Each iCERT Member offers unique technology capabilities to advance public safety,” explained Kim Robert Scovill, the Industry Council’s Executive Director. “Establishing, maintaining, and growing relationships among key technology company leaders—the members of iCERT—is an important element of iCERT’s vision, as is educating public safety to be better informed technology consumers, especially for cutting edge technologies like ‘Cloud’ services. We help to make public safety work better by introducing the newest technologies and software to the public safety sector for first responders and the public,” he added.

iCERT improves the public safety ecosystem through a framework of advocacy, collaboration, and member support. This framework ensures continuous funding advocacy, recognition and accommodation of the needs and views of commercial technology providers in all levels of government, encouragement of technology improvements, education, and enabling iCERT’s members to reach their organic and marketplace growth objectives.

About National Association of State 911 Administrators

NASNA's sole focus is to facilitate the success of 911 programming at the State, U.S. Territory, and District level. We achieve this through networking with our members, providing learning opportunities, and productive partnerships at both the Federal level and within the private sector. NASNA serves as the source of information, support, and expertise for industry associations, public policymakers, the private sector, and 911 professionals at all levels of government as they address complex issues surrounding the evolution of emergency communications. NASNA serves as a vital resource for the continuous improvement of 911 services nationwide through strategic partnerships and collaborative policy positions. Learn more at


1st White Paper in the series

2nd White Paper in the series


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